Kilómetro 21, 5 Autopista Norte
Vereda Verganzo
Tocancipá Cundinamarca.
Sector Limajay – local 4 – Costado occidental
(+571) 8697734 – 8697737- 8697740 – 8697745
RINOL PISOCRETO SAS is the No. 1 company in Colombia for industrial floors and pavements, with 15 years' project implementation throughout the country.
- In business: since 2001
- Part of RCR Group: since 2010
- Geographic reach: Colombia
- Languages spoken: Spanish
- Square metres of floor created per year: 300,000 square metres
- Staff: 30 direct, 50 indirect
- Floor laying teams: 3
Machinery used: Laserscreed 240; Laserscreed 160; Spreader
Floor finishes created:
- Concrete power trowelled
- Brushed concrete
- Concrete with surface hardener (dry-on-wet)
- Concrete with surface hardener (wet-on-wet)
- Decorative
- Terrazzo
- Resin
- External pavements
Brand name flooring systems used:
- Basetec
- Conductil
- Crete Heavy Duty
- Allrounder
- Sealing
- Standard
- Safety
- Conductive
- Mortar
- Indurit
- Suelastic
Floor types and tolerances created:
- FM1
- FM2 special
- Post-tensioned slabs
- Jointless floors
Types of buildings created:
- Warehouses / distribution centres
- Heavy-duty manufacturing
- Light-duty manufacturing
- Food production
- Retail malls
- Retail sheds (eg, home improvement centres)
- External pavements and slabs
- Waste transfer stations
- Cold stores / freezer stores
- Public buildings
- Museums
- Laboratories
- Hospitals
Sectors served:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Logistics
- Ports
- Retail
- Medical / pharmaceutical
- Public transport / car parks
- Sport and recreation